How Can You Recruit For Competitive Advantage If Everyone Is Using The Same Algorithm? Answer — You Can’t

2 min readApr 18, 2019


By Peter Roberts

Hire the right people — not a clown!

It can be difficult to recruit the people needed to grow your business. For many businesses, its people are its competitive advantage.

So, in such a competitive environment, why are you using the same tools as your competitors to find new people?

Gilman Louie is a Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist. His firm Alsop Louie Partners invests in data and analytics (among other things). This has given him a unique insight into hiring.

Everyone is Using The Same Algorithm

Here’s what Louie has to say about hiring-

“Because of the competition for talent, employers are unfortunately using those typical HR filtering systems to put resumes in the right piles and line up interviews. The problem with that is, whether you’re an established company or a start-up, everybody has the same algorithm.

When they advertise, companies receive large numbers of resumes. However, as Louie has found-

“At the end of the process, what they get is the same candidate that everybody running the same algorithm gets! So where’s the competitive advantage if everybody turns up with the same candidates?”

Eliminate The Perfect Resumes

Lay out those 100 or 1000 resumes and cross out the things that are the same. What’s left is what distinguishes one candidate from the next. Don’t look for the perfect resume. Perfect resumes are vanilla.

Hire the Way It Should Be

Steve Jobs always aimed to see the world the way it should be, not the way it’s going to be.

Really successful hiring requires thinking outside the box and doing things differently.

Here’s one way…

The next time you need someone use Connectzapp. When you enter a role to be filled, you’re given a list of candidates with the best at the top.

It makes finding staff easy, simple and quick.

Good luck!




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