How To Get Consistent Modelling Jobs and Model Work

6 min readOct 22, 2020


And Where To Find Them

By Mark from Connectzapp

Model Work

Being a model has the image of living a glamorous life where you spend all your time in exotic locations living the high life, consuming only lettuce and vodka, and everyone wants to know you.

The reality however, is a bit different.

You are also constantly judged on your looks. The way you look is what your clients are paying for, so the requirement to maintain your fitness and the ‘look’ brands want, is high. While working modelling jobs it’s important to keep in mind that the brand is after the ‘look’, which has nothing to do with personally. It’s the image they’re after.

Modeling gigs can be hard work, long hours and at times decidedly unglamorous with the demands put on you by photographers, directors and the brands paying you to represent them.

However, model work can be glamorous. You may have the opportunity to work in exotic locations showcasing desirable high fashion brands with interesting and fun people.

When you are an in demand Model, your potential earnings can be very high. Linda Evangelista, one of the original supermodels, once quipped ‘I don’t get out of bed for less than $10,000 per day’, and that was in the 80’s!

So if modelling work is for you, then be persistent, work to create the ‘look’ brands are after and pick up as much work and experience as possible.

Check out these modelling jobs

How To Become A Model — The Top 5 Best Tips From The Experts

When you know what you need to do, the way forward becomes so much easier. So here are the top 5 best tips from the experts on how to become a model and get constant model work.

Tip 1 — Get an honest evaluation by experienced professionals

The key here is to not accept what one experienced professional tells you. You will receive good and bad feedback depending on who you speak to, so speak to a number (i.e. 5 or more) experienced professionals to get a good overview of what your advantages are and also your disadvantages.

An agent may be of the opinion you have great potential, whereas another might not. Don’t take the negative opinion to heart. Go forward with the agent who thinks you have potential.

Tip 2 — Don’t waste money on expensive photoshoots

By starting with simple photos, you can present yourself very effectively using photos taken via your phone.

Brands are looking for different looks, styles, ages etc, so be yourself so you can shine through in each photo.

Tip 3 — Don’t go to a modeling school

Modeling is not acting. Brands are after a certain look to showcase their product to their customers, not your acting skills. By presenting the best ‘look’ for your age and gender and highlighting your key stand-out features, you will pick up more work doing that than going to a modeling school.

Once you start working in the industry and you decide to enroll in a modeling school or take some acting classes, it’s fine to do it then.

Tip 4 — Work with legitimate modeling agencies

There are a lot of legitimate modeling agencies who can help you get work as a model. There are also some agencies who may not have your best interests in mind.

Check out online any agency you contact. Ask to speak with some of the models to get their opinion. This way you’ll have a clear understanding of whether the agency you are thinking of joining will do the right thing by you.

Tip 5 — Get as much exposure as you can

Create your portfolio. A simple online search on how to create your portfolio will give you all you need to know to create a killer portfolio.

Once you have your portfolio, create your website. This is your online brochure. You can find website developers at very reasonable prices via freelancer.

The promote, promote, promote! Send your portfolio to agencies, brands and any other organisations you see advertising that you feel you could represent.

Check out these modelling jobs

Freelance Model

When you freelance model you have the ability to decide, when, where and with who you work. You can also set your rate.

Those are the upsides.

The downsides can be that it’s hard to find work. It can also be very competitive which puts downward pressure on your potential earnings.

However, if you can find consistent work, you can successfully freelance model and enjoy a great lifestyle at the same time.

Check out these freelance model jobs

Plus Size Model Jobs

Not all brands want the traditional thin looking model. With the average consumer getting bigger, many brands have realised that to sell their product to the average person, they need to use models who better represent their customers.

So even if you are a larger size, you may be able to pick up a good amount of modeling work.

Check out these modelling jobs near me

Male Modelling Jobs

Male models are in demand. Brands and companies who sell to men and boys need to show their customers why they should buy their product.

The process for becoming a male model and getting model work is the same as for all models, regardless of gender so the advice here applies to you too.

Check out these male modelling jobs

Promotional Modeling — Promotional Girls

Promotional modelling is a common part of model work. Companies regularly seek to promote their product or service at large events such as festivals, car racing events and any other event where large crowds are gathered.

Promotional girls are often required to simply wear a uniform and hand out samples of the product to passers-by.

The main requirement for this type of model work is a big smile and not being afraid of talking to strangers.

Check out these promotional modeling jobs

Modeling Jobs For Teenagers

With teenagers being a large market that companies and brands want to aim products and services to, there is high demand for teen models.

Becoming a teenage model is the same process as for adult models.

Have a look at these Modeling Jobs For Teenagers

Life Modelling

Life modeling is posing for artists, usually while partially or completely nude. You are usually required to hold a pose for between 5–30 mins while artists sketch or paint you.

Life modeling is one of the oldest forms of modeling. Most art programs or courses require their students to learn figure drawing because the skills are so basic and important.

This type of modeling requires you to disrobe, then strike a pose and hold hold it for a period of time. The work is not always as easy as it seems because the pose you are required to strike may take some effort to maintain for a period of time.

Check out these life modeling jobs

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