How To Overcome Age Discrimination In Your Job Search

4 min readAug 24, 2019


By Mark from Connectzapp

If you feel like you’re not being called for interviews because you’re older, then take heart.

Today I’ll show you how to get asked in for interviews, so you get the opportunity to sell yourself for any job you’ve applied for.

One of the reasons you’re finding it harder to get asked in for an interview is that millennials, that’s people who were born after the turn of the century, now make up around half the workforce these days.

They’re cheaper than most older people to hire because they’ll accept a lower wage, and a lot of them, particularly the older millennials who were born close to the year 2000 now have maybe a decade or more of experience in the workforce, and they’re tech savvy.

But if you position yourself the right way when you apply for jobs, you’ll be called in for interviews and have the opportunity to present, so you can secure the job you’re after.

So here are a few tips to help you do that.

Tip 1 — Only list the last 15 years of experience on your resume

The first tip is to only list the last 15 years of your work experience on your resume.

There are a couple of reasons to do this-

First up

Your last 15 years of experience is really all employers and recruiters are interested in. Any experience further back than that isn’t really relevant these days. So leave off the work experience you have that goes back further than 15 years.


By listing only your last 15 years of experience, the hiring manager or recruiter has no idea how old you are. And they’re not allowed to ask you either, so don’t have your age or your date of birth on your resume. There’s no requirement for you to state your age when applying for a job. This means that from the hiring manager or recruiter’s perspective, you could be 35 or 65, but if you have the experience the job requires, they’ll call you in for an interview.

So only list your last 15 years of work experience on your resume and take off your age or date of birth if you have them on there, and you should find you’re called in for a lot more interviews.

Tip 2 — Companies Want Your Experience, Not Your Age

The second tip is to focus on what companies want in the person they hire for the role you’ve applied for.

What’s most important for a company when they’re looking for someone to fill a role, is that the person they hire has the experience and skills needed to perform in the job.

Depending on what the job is, the age of the person the company hires is probably way down the list of priorities for the job.

So make sure your resume lists your skills and experience to give a hiring manager or recruiter who read it the best impression of you, so they think… wow, I’ve got to get this person in!

So make sure your resume lists your skills and experience in the best way possible for the role you’re applying for, because at the end of the day, that’s what hiring managers are ultimately looking for, not your age.

Tip 3 — Show Hiring Managers and Recruiters Why You’re Right For The Job

Tip number 3 is to show hiring managers and recruiters that you’re the best choice for the job.

If you can show them that you have the experience, the ability and the energy to do the job, and that you’ll get on well with your team mates, then you’ll be setting yourself up well to be offered the position.

There is definitely age discrimination in the workforce.

Some recruiters, not all, but some have an age bias. And some hiring managers have an age bias too. Again, not all do, just some.

But if you set up your resume the way I’ve suggested and apply for jobs that need someone with your skills and experience, then you should find you’re asked in for interviews.

Once you meet the hiring manager face to face, you’ve got them as a captive audience, so you have the opportunity to show them why you’re the best person for the job.

So when you’re applying for jobs, focus on your skills and experience for the job, not your age.

And make sure your resume reflects that, and you’ll be well on your way to be offered the job you want.

An easy way to find a great job is to use Connectzapp, because employers can see you’re a great candidate for the role, so they want to talk to you.

The way it works is you enter the details of the job you’re looking for.

You’re then given a list of jobs that are ranked in order, that match you and the job you’re looking for. You then swipe through each job, choose the one’s you’re most interested in, put them into a shortlist and then contact those employers direct.

It’s quick and easy. And the best part is the employers want to talk to you because they can see you’re a good match for the job.

So get Connectzapp on the App Store or Google Play or go to and make your job hunting easy.

Give it a try.

And lastly…

Good luck with your job hunting!

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