Jobs Are Modern Day Slavery — Is yours?

3 min readApr 10, 2019


By Michelle Durie

Have you settled for just any job?

According to some ‘well informed’ people, jobs are modern day slavery.

Here’s what they say…

We’re paid just enough to pay the bills. Sometimes we don’t even receive enough for that! And we’re punished if we ask for more.

The government takes a huge chunk of our pay, spends the money on things we don’t agree with and doesn’t spend on the things they should.

We’re verbally abused on the job by our boss, colleagues, customers and anyone else having a bad day.

We want our job friends to be our real friends, but they’re not really. The people you think are backstabbing you probably are.

Commute times are getting worse. We spend way too much time crammed into a crowded bus or train on a daily basis.

By the time we get home each day we’re tired and just want to flop on the lounge with a tub of ice cream and binge watch the latest Netflix series just to switch off from the day.


I don’t know about you but I don’t agree this is how it has to be.

If the above describes your current experience then I’d say you’ve settled for less than you should.

Work should be fun and inspiring.

You should be paid well.

Your job should add some meaning to your life and you should enjoy being around your work mates.

The problem is we settle for less than we can be. We accept the status quo.

But here’s the thing…

There are employers out there looking for people who are the right fit for their organisation, who are willing to pay someone above average, have a fantastic team environment and are close to home so it’s an easy commute.

Yes, they do exist!

Are they looking for you? I don’t know. Maybe. But it’d be worth finding out wouldn’t it?

With Connectzapp you can look for work without actually doing any of the usual work needed to find a job. It’s a kind of set and forget thing. You put in the details of the role you’re after and wait for the employers to contact you. They come to you.

So what role would you like to do? How much more would you like to be paid? Would you like to cut down your hours to spend more time at home? Have you thought about a new role or industry? What have you always wanted to do?

Have employers come to you.

Jobs Are Modern Day Slavery

That’s the way I’d do it. Sounds pretty good to me. What about you?

If you’ve settled for your current circumstances but you’re not happy, or if you’d like to move but don’t have the time or headspace to look then Connectzapp could be your answer.

Good luck in your, more friendly, higher paid, closer to home role!




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