The 3 BIGGEST Things A Hiring Manager Wants To Know About YOU!
By Mark from Connectzapp
There is a lot out there about how to get a job,
In a nutshell, if you really distil it all down, there are 3 things a hiring manager wants to know about you when they’re deciding whether to offer you the job.
So today, I’ll take you through those 3 things so you can have a laser like focus on the most important things that will have the biggest positive influence on a hiring manager or recruiter, so they either offer you the job, or at the very least, you make such a positive impression on them that they just have to shortlist you for the job.
The 3 things hiring managers hire on are-
· Aptitude
The better you are at showing a hiring manager how strong you are on each of these 3 things, the more positively they’ll consider you for the job.
When you do a great job of showing the hiring manager how good you are in relation to these 3 things, they can’t help but seriously consider you for the position, or even offer you the job.
So let’s go through each point separately.
1. Personality
The first important consideration for the hiring manager to hire you is your personality.
Birds of a feather flock together, so ultimately the hiring manager is looking for someone who fits the company culture, will fit in with the team and is ‘one of them’.
So, as I’ve said before, you should do your homework on the company before you sit down for the interview, so you’re going into the interview knowing as much about the company as possible.
In regards to personality, the more you can project a similar personality type as the people the company already has in the role, the better.
It’s expensive to hire new people, so employers are looking to hire people for the long term if they can. So they want to know if that’s you.
They want to know that you’ll fit in with the team,
So when you sit down for an interview, show the hiring manager that you’re one of them.
2. Aptitude
The second important thing hiring managers are looking for is your aptitude to do the job.
In other words, they’re looking for your ability to do the job.
Obviously experience comes into this, but aptitude is a bit different to experience. You can have experienced in something, but still not very good at it.
If someone has an aptitude for something, they tend to have a natural ability to do it.
So when you’re looking for work, show as best you can, that you have a great aptitude to do the job you’re applying for.
From a hiring manger’s perspective, someone who has great aptitude for a job can easily be trained into the position, even if they’re lacking experience.
Your previous successes in a similar role, or a role that requires a similar skill set, can show you have a great aptitude for the job you’re applying for.
So think about how you can show a hiring manager how much aptitude you have for the job.
3. Experience
The third thing hiring managers are looking for is experience obviously.
Depending on the job you apply for, you may need a lot of experience or maybe none at all. You may only need the right aptitude and personality for the job.
If you have a lot of experience then that’s great obviously, but if you don’t, then if you can show you have a great aptitude for the job and your personality is right for the job and the company, then a lot of hiring managers will overlook your lack of experience because they can train you into the position.
So if you have the experience, then make sure the hiring manager knows that obviously.
But if you don’t, then show them what a great aptitude you have for the job by using your success in previous roles as evidence that you can do the job.
Then show the hiring manager you’re the same type of person as the people already working for the company, and specifically, the people doing the job you’re applying for, so they feel like you’re on of them.
So there are the 3 things all hiring managers are looking for in someone they hire-
· Personality
· Aptitude
· Experience
The more you can show a hiring manager how good a fit you are for each of those in regards to the job you’re applying for, the better your chance of being offered the job.
An easy way to get a job that’s right for you with a company you’d like to work for is to use Connectzapp.
The reason is, hiring managers and recruiters can see you’re a good candidate for the job so they want to talk to you.
The way it works is you enter the details of the job you’re looking for.
You’re then given a list of jobs that match what you’re looking for, ranked in order with the most suited job for you at the top.
You then swipe through each job, choose the ones you’re most interested in, put those jobs into a shortlist, then contact those employers direct.
It’s quick and it’s easy. And the best part is, each employer can see you’re a great match for the job, so they want to hear from you!
So give it a try.
Go to or you can get the app on the App Store or Google Play.
And lastly…
Good luck with your job hunting!
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