Tips For Job Seekers: Inside The Mind Of A Recruiter

4 min readAug 2, 2019


By Mark from Connectzapp

When you’re looking for work, there’s a good chance you’ll be speaking to recruiters at some stage.

A recruiter could find you your next job, so it’s a good idea to know what they look for in a candidate, so you have the best chance of having them consider you as the best candidate to put forward for one or more of the jobs they have available.

So let’s go though the things recruiters look for in a candidate, so you have the best opportunity of having the recruiters you come in contact with, consider you as a candidate they’d like to put forward to an employer for a role they need filled.

The first contact you’ll make with most recruiters or employers is through your resume.

So you need to make sure your resume is recruiter friendly.

I cover this in depth in the video How To Write A Resume With Impact so I recommend you watch it. The link to the video is below.

When you make your resume recruiter friendly, you’re more likely to have them read it and have them recommend you to employers.

Very briefly though, your resume needs to be easy to read and clutter free.

You should use the keywords from the ad in your resume and you need a cover letter that will get the recruiter’s attention and motivate them to read your resume.

In the video The 4 Sentence Cover Letter I cover the best way to write your cover letter, so recruiters, and hiring mangers for that matter, read your resume, so check it out.

When recruiters look at your resume, they’ll look at your name first, then skim through your resume looking for the words they’re after that relate to the job you’ve applied for.

They’ll also look for your experience and education.

So your resume needs to have the right words in it, so the recruiter is interested enough to read it in full, not just skim it.

Another consideration is that in many cases, your resume and cover letter will be read by the recruiter on their mobile phone, so this is one place where the 4 sentence cover letter is so effective.

Nowadays a long winded cover letter won’t be read by recruiters or hiring managers. They’re too time poor, so when you have a short cover letter that’s straight to the point, the recruiter is more likely to read it in full.

When you receive a call from a recruiter, the main question they’ll ask is why you’ve applied for the job.

This is the number one question you need to be able to answer well.

In the video The Best Answer To Why Do You Want This Job I cover this in depth, so check it out. It’ll give you the best answer that will impress the recruiter, so they take you to the next step.

Another consideration is that a lot of the jobs you apply for will have already been filled.

This is because the recruiter already has a candidate they’ve put forward for the job, or the company you’ve applied to have already filled the position, they’re just keeping the ad running to make sure they have the best person in the job.

Don’t be discouraged by this. It’s standard practice these days. Just keep applying and something will come up for you.

And if you’ve found that you apply for jobs and never hear anything back good or bad, then you’re not alone. Every job seeker experiences this.

Again, don’t let this put you off. Just keep applying and you’ll be successful

To make your job hunting easy, use Conectzapp.

When you enter the details of the job you’re after, you’re given a list of jobs that are best suited to you, ranked in order with the best job for you at the top.

You can then swipe through the jobs, make a shortlist of the ones you’re most interested in, then contact those employers or recruiters direct.

It’s easy and it’s fast.

And the best part is that the recruiter or employer can see you’re a good candidate for the job so they WANT to talk to you.

So give it a try.

You can get Connectzapp on the App Store or Google Play or go to

So if you’ve found this video helpful, please like it.

Then while you’re there, hit the subscribe button too. We upload new videos every week with all the best tips and strategies to help you find the job you really want.

And lastly…

Good luck with your job hunting!

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