What are the best sites to find a job? Here’s the research

6 min readAug 20, 2020


By Mark from Connectzapp

What Are The Best Sites To Find A Job?

Here’s The Research

The Best Job Site, The Best Job Search Engine

How Best To Use Them

According to research, it’s taking longer to get a job than ever before.

The average time to find a job is now between 4–7 months and it’s getting longer. In 2010 the average time was 2–4 months.

No wonder most people dread the thought of job hunting. It’s even worse if you’re out of work and you need an income.

Even though surveys done by job sites show up to 75% of us would consider a new job, even when we’re not looking, the same surveys show that:

  • 60% of us consider looking for a job a huge task
  • 46% of us feel that looking for a job gets harder the longer we look

Clearly something is wrong.

Employers spend huge amounts of money and time trying to find the right people and job seekers have to effectively market themselves just to be granted an interview, which is not a skill the majority of employees have experience doing.

If this is your experience, then take heart, there is a solution.

Recruiters can help, however they have their own set of challenges. You can check out the pros and cons of using a recruiter here.

Before you start looking, you obviously need a clear idea of the job you want. If you need help, check out some of the best jobs and the best paying jobs.

Best Job Sites

Many of the job sites that have been around for years only offer what are effectively classified ads online. When they were first developed in the early days of the internet they took the old newspaper classified ads and put them online.

That was fine back then. The problem is, not much has changed since for many of these sites.

Some job boards have tried to improve the usability of their site, but when the company is large, profitable and bureaucratic, change happens very slowly.

The best job boards and best job search engines are not necessarily the ones that have the most traffic. They’re the ones where you actually get a job!

Here are few things to consider when you’re looking for work:

  1. The best job search is the one where you get the job, regardless of how much you looked, where you looked, what site you used, who you talked to etc etc. It’s all about the result.
  2. The best way to find a job is to be in front of employers who are most likely to want your skills and experience. When the most likely employers to hire you are aware you are looking for work and available, you are much more likely to be offered a job. In fact, you could have competing offers to negotiate a higher salary.
  3. The best place to look for jobs is where employers will recognise and appreciate your skills and experience.
  4. The best website to find a job may not be the site that has lots of jobs advertised. Yes, there may be plenty of job ads, but you’ll be competing with 100 other applicants for each job you apply for. It’s hard to stand out in the crowd with that much competition. These sites have their place of course, but they’re by no means the only places to look for work.
  5. The best job search engines are the ones where you STAND OUT to employers.
  6. The best job website is the one where employers can find you and reach out to you directly. It’s the one where you can get an employer’s attention so they give you serious consideration.

While many of the older job boards give you the ability to upload your resume, apart from also giving you the ability to search job ads, they do very little else.

This means employers who find you via one of these sites have only the information on your resume, which in most cases is only a list of the previous jobs you’ve had in your career, because that is all we’ve ever been told to put on our resume.

However, YOU are not just the previous jobs you’ve had. Your experience and skills are much broader than that. You have a lot more to offer your new employer.

The best sites to find jobs are the ones where you have the ability to show potential employers what you can bring to their organisation, in addition to the basic information on your resume.

The best website to find a job will show your talents, skills, experience and what you have to offer a new employer so you not only get a job, you get a job with an employer who values you and what you do.

The best job searching websites give the job seeker and the employer the ability to search for each other. As a job seeker, when you have employers find YOU via the site because they feel you are a good fit for the role and would be an asset to their organisation, your likelihood of being offered that role increases dramatically.

So what is the best job site to use to find your next role?

Connectzapp does it best.

Connectzapp gives you the ability to:

  • Create your profile so employers can find you
  • Add more to your profile (in addition to your resume) so employers get a better idea of who you are and how you can benefit their organisation
  • Search for jobs. You can take the initiative and actively search for jobs or,
  • Sit back and wait for employers to contact you. You choose from the employers who contact you
  • Message employers directly

Give it a try. Job hunting doesn’t have to be hard work. You can have employers contact you. Take back control of your job hunting. Go to Connectzapp.com

Best Job Apps

The best job finding apps are an extension of the best job sites. The app should give you the ability to search, check messages and interact with employers while you’re on the go.

The best job search apps are intuitive and easy to use, but above all, they are part of the best job site for you to find the jobs you’re looking for.

That’s exact;y what the Connectzapp app is. You can get the Connectzapp app here.

Best Job Posting Site For Employers

The best website to find someone for a role, is the site that helps you find the best people. That may be stating the obvious, but it’s still true.

When a site gives you the ability to search candidates, not just post a job, and the quality of the people you find when you search is high, then that is the site you should use most when you need new people.

Recruiters can help you find good people, but there are pitfalls to engaging a recruiter to search for you. You can see the pros and cons of using a recruiter here.

The older job boards may give you a ton of applications for a role, but how is the quality? So many people resume bomb on the older job board sites that you can be overwhelmed by the number of low quality applications.

What if you could search for potential candidates and message them directly? That’s what Connectzapp gives you the ability to do.

Instead of posting an ad and being inundated by applicants who are mostly a waste of time, you can go directly to the best people for the role, get in contact with them and engage with them directly.

If that seems like a better strategy, then you can search Connectzapp here.

You can also use the Connectzapp App






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